A day of mindfulness

A Day of Mindfulness

A mostly silent day-long retreat for both beginners and experienced meditators

In-person event with Michael LaValle, PhD
Saturday, October 28 

9:00 am to 4:00 pm

Location4015 Normandy Avenue, Dallas TX 75205
First Unitarian Church of Dallas

Why take a day to cultivate mindfulness?

We continue to live in the midst of truly difficult times.  Many of us are facing unique challenges with regard to our sense of self, our significant relationships, and our sense of purpose.  In addition, we are navigating through significant social and political divisiveness. Wars occurring far away still have everyday impact on our lives. We struggle to maintain a sense of centeredness in the midst of all of these stressors.

This is your invitation to Rest and Renew for a few hours. This mini-retreat is your opportunity to experience the benefit of taking a pause and detaching from the regular schedule of busyness. In the midst of all the doing, gift yourself an extended period of simply being. This will help to:
  • steady your mind and recover your sense of calm
  • reconnect with your center
  • reclaim your sense of balance.

What to expect during the day of Mindfulness event

Michael LaValle will offer a series of mindfulness meditation practices – lying down, sitting, walking and mindful movement – all with the aim of steadying the mind, warming the heart, establishing a sense of equanimity, and reminding ourselves of what is most important to each of us in this business and busy-ness of being human. A brief talk will be offered as well. The majority of the day will be held in silence to promote an inner focus while being supported by practicing with a community.

Those who have limited experience with meditation are most welcome. The practices will be relatively short, varied, and accessible to beginners and experienced meditators alike. Individuals who have never participated in a day-long retreat may feel daunted by the prospect of being silent for an extended period of time. Invariably, people discover not only that they can do it, but that the experience is profoundly enriching.

What to bring along

  • Wear comfortable clothes and shoes that are easy to remove and put back on
  • Bring a yoga mat / blanket(s) to lie on and a pillow to support your head
  • Bring a light lunch that will be used for a mindful eating exercise in the middle of the day. A refrigerator will be available if you need to store your lunch.
  • Plan to spend the day detached from electronic devices'

About the teacher

Michael has served the Dallas community as a licensed psychologist, health service provider, and meditation teacher for the past 40 years.  He is a graduate of the University of Notre Dame and completed his doctoral studies in psychology at The University of Dallas.  He is certified by The Center for Mindfulness at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center where the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Course was originally developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn. He is also certified to teach by the Center for Mindful Self-Compassion. He has served on the faculty of the nine-month certificate program offered by the Institute of Meditation & Psychotherapy.  Michael teaches Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC), and he facilitates evening communal meditations and silent retreats. He also has extensive experience with Centering Prayer.



The suggested amount is $30. Please give generously to support the work of Dallas Center for Mindfulness and Compassion.

We kindly ask that you register for this event only if you are able to attend the full day from 9 to 4.

For any questions, you may call Michael LaValle (214-750-1086) or Christiane Baud (214-235-5982)
Or contact us at:   info@dallascmc.org