Welcome to the Dallas Center for Mindfulness and Compassion

We are a community of mindfulness and meditation teachers and learners, exploring, and growing together in a safe and supporting environment.  As a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, our classes and events are offered in support of your psychological wellbeing, healing, growth and inner development.

Browse the site and discover a selection of meditation classes, and courses in mindfulness-based stress reduction and mindful self-compassion, as well as a growing library of resources.

Featured upcoming events

Mindful Self Compassion
Starts Tuesday, March 21
8-week course


A Day of Mindfulness
Saturday [date tbd] 2023
mini retreat 9:00-2:00pm



Enjoy exploring our growing collection of resources. Whether you prefer to read or listen, we have plenty of great resources to get you started.

At year-end, the teachers reflected on DCMC's mission and commitment. They reaffirmed their calling and their common desire to create a community of teachers and peers where we can all engage in fully embodied practices

Read the full letter here.

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