Welcome to the Dallas Center for Mindfulness and Compassion
We are a community of mindfulness and meditation teachers and learners, exploring, and growing together in a safe and supporting environment. As a 501(c)3 non-profit organizatin, our classes and events are offered in support of your psychological wellbeing, healing, growth and inner development.
Browse the site and discover a selection of meditation classes, and courses in mindfulness-based stress reduction and mindful self-compassion, as well as a growing library of resources.
Featured upcoming events
Self-compassion and mindfulness for modern living
Online modular class series
Each Sunday 10:00-11:30 am CT
Mindful Self Compassion
8 week course with
Michael LaValle and Janet Sandman
Starts September 10, 2024
Healing Narcissistic Relationships
8 week course ONLINE with
Alfie Wishart and Shannon Purtell
Starts October 22, 2024
Half Day Retreat
offered by Michael LaValle and Janet Sandman
Saturday, October 19, 2024
Mindful Self Compassion
Starts Tuesday, March 21
8-week course
A Day of Mindfulness
Saturday [date tbd] 2023
mini retreat 9:00-2:00pm
Enjoy exploring our growing collection of resources. Whether you prefer to read or listen, we have plenty of great resources to get you started.
This month's blog post
Do we have to (always) take the bait? - by Christiane Baud
It happens always more or less in the same way, someone says something or does something - it can be a word, it can be an image, or a driver on the highway, a hurtful comment, or a memory from long ago that resurfaces - and here we go, we lose our cool, and more often than not a big emotional outpour that seems totally out of proportion with what triggered it – we become argumentative, or angry and aggressive, or we sink into an overwhelming feeling of unworthiness, or a paralyzing sense of doom, or a fit of anxious behaviors and thinking, or a dark mood that comes over us and darkens everything.
We call it being "triggered". And once this trigger is activated an emotional behavior follows without fail - or does it? Do we have to always jump when we see or hear the bait, the red flag.
Join Christiane and learn what your “amygdala” has to do with it and trust that you can become your own amygdala-whisperer through mindfulness of your own body sensations and reactions.
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